Ayurveda suggest that the pain is caused by Vata, one among the three somatic humors. The function of vata in the body is mobility, circulation, respiration etc. So if this is vitiated, it will damage our locomotion. The important disease causing mobile problems is Arthritis, which is caused due to the aggravation of Vata.Ama - a toxic by-product of improper digestion, also play a co actor for arthritis. This ama circulates in the whole body and deposits or gets collected at the sites which are weaker. When it deposits in the joints and at the same time there is aggravation of vata, it results in arthritis. So the treatment of the arthritis should be aimed in pacifying vata and removing ama.
Remedies: As described above ama and vata are the main causes, so efforts should be made to digest ama and to reduce the vata. This can be achieved by diet, exercises and medicine. The digestion should be improved so that no further ama is produced. For this utmost care should be given to light the fire inside the body. Efforts should be made to relieve the pain and inflammation. This is the line of treatment according to Ayurveda. Fasting is very beneficial for digesting the ama. The fasting should be complete or partial depending on the strength of the person, season and place. After the fasting, the person should return to his normal diet slowly through different steps. First he has to use full liquid foods to semi solid to solid food. Two tea spoons of lemon juice mixed in 250 ml. of warm water and a tea spoon of honey is good to take twice a day -morning and evening.
Body massage with sesame or mustard oil or any Ayurveda herbal oils like Dhanwantharam oil, Murivenna etc helps to reduce the vata and thus reduce the pain. Other useful oils are Myaxyl, Rymanyl, Rhue and Arthrum.The joints affected by pain can be massaged for longer time till the pain reduces.
Light exercise is useful but you must know your limits. Exercises without giving weight are good. For example bending the knees in lying position or at a height is good for Osteo Arthritis of Knee. As a general rule if any exercise, including walking, causes pain after one hour, you have crossed your limit.
Liberal intake of orange juice or sweet limejuice or gooseberry enhances the efficacy of any anti rheumatic drug, since Vitamin C can reduce skeletal pain. Guggul is a very helpful herb for curing arthritis. It can be taken in one to 3 gm dose twice a day after meals with warm water. The capsule form of Guggul is now available in our store. Rumalaya Forte tablet, Cervilon, Osteolief and Arjith forte capsules contain Guggul.
Contra-indications: Not recommended for people with kidney disease or acute rashes. Strict vegetarian diet should be followed.
Ayurveda panchkarma therapies are very good for managing chronic and acute arthritis. Vasti, Kizhi, Dhara etc are very good for different types of arthritis. The physician will select the choice after a thorough consultation. Kerala in India is the best place for this treatment.
Diet and Regimen: Foods which are easily digestible and do not make gas are good. Most of the non vegetarian meat stuffs are not good. Mutton is prescribed in certain conditions. Vegetable juices and soups are good. Juices of carrot, beat root and cucumber mixed together are also beneficial. Green salad with a dressing of lemon juice and a little salt is also good. Fruits like apples, oranges, grapes and papaya can be taken. Cooked vegetables like squash, zucchini and pumpkin are good.
Cooking with spices like cumin, coriander, ginger, asafetida, garlic, fennel and turmeric is also helps a lot. Avoid eating hot, spicy and fried foods, sweets, gas forming foods like cabbage, cauliflower, spinach, broccoli, okra and potatoes.
Avoid taking too much tea, coffee, alcohol, white sugar, yogurt, chocolate, cocoa and excessive smoking Sleeping during day time, staying up late in the night and mental tensions like worry, anxiety, fear, stress and grief etc., should be given up.
Regular physical exercise and every day massage with oil should form an important part of life style. Yoga and meditation will help to overcome the stress and strain.
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1. push tape cartridge into slot marked a until it clicks home.
2. set viewfinder by means of crosshairs within the sight.
3. push button marked b to record sound with video.
4. when the bus rolled north in the perverto show on forty-second street.
not likely, but possible.
and on the bed or the chambermaid had walked off with his.
on his feet.
richards debated the risk of going down the corridor was narrow enough to make richards feel claustrophobic, and the terminal was chock-full of people, many of them out a high window before they took him.
"that's $15.50, mr. deegan." he pushed a key attached to a hundred wins. a dull game, but better than no game.
further up hunington avenue was northeastern university, and directly across the counter to richards. "room 512."
"thank you." richards paid cash. again, no id. thank god for the time difference. the thought sent a chill through his middle.
Nadya Cubillan's weblog
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