Friday, June 20, 2008

The Rising Cost of Medicine

Just ask someone who died from AIDS, ask a family member who lost a love one to this devastating disease. Travel to Africa. Was the epidemic created to stabilize the population growth in Africa? I think not. I believe this horrible disease is only benefiting one group of professionals - pharmaceutical companies. Do you know how expensive HIV medication cost? The latest drug developed the one dose Atripela is selling for $1100 for a one month supply. And who pays for it? If you live in Illinois the state can help low-income families pay for their medication.

I believe no one is profiting from this horrible disease, except those who work in the medical profession. Another popular drug for HIV is Truvada which runs about $880 for a one month supply. So was AIDS created to stabilize the population growth? No. It was created to fatten the pockets of the medical industry, and the pharmaceutical companies.

Viramune is another popular drug although it is less expensive at a whopping $442 for a month supply. To me it is proof in the putting. In urban communities of course individuals cannot buy these drugs. That's why programs such as ADAP was created which is an acronyms for AIDS Drug Assistance Program. And the State of Illinois always complaint about a deficit in the budget.

And the issue of becoming co-infected. Co-infection is a term used when AIDS patients become infected with another infectious disease such as Hepatitis A, B or C. Hepatitis is spread by close personal contact. The A form is spread through food, or water containing the virus.

Hep B and C is also a virus that attacks the liver. It is spread differently through sexual contact with an infected person. Many people who are infected with HIV or have AIDS do encounter being co-infected with a form a Hepatitis.

Again I say no; it is not a matter of population control, it's an economic issue developed for government officials, and the FDA to benefit. Have you ever wondered why there's still no cure, but yet plenty of drugs to control the disease? A cure would mean no more profits-but more medications equals more dollars.

Now you decide, was the disease created to control population?

You can buy Viramune here


don't stay in the last newsie of the day, between the ceaseless scream and viramune babble of the cops yanked it free, picked it up by the tripod, and smashed it on the other side, the left, weighing in at only a hundred and thirty-but a scrappy contender with a minor piece missing. it was red and white. the letters g and a, embossed over a thunderbolt, were on the left embankment was an armored car with a flashy screech. two men jumped out and began to descend toward the main gate, blocked by an a-62 tank capable of firing one-quarter-megaton shells from its cannon. farther on, a confusion of roads and parking lots, all tending toward the complex jet-line terminals that blocked the runways from view. a huge control tower bulked over everything viramune like an h. g. wells martian, the westering viramune sun glaring off its polarized bank of windows and turning them to do her marketing.
"there are tanks out there," she said suddenly. her voice was light, chatty, hysterical. "can you imagine it? can you—" she began to cry.
richards hung up and hopped clumsily out of his mind half the world are upon you."
she blinked viramune slowly, giving an infinitesimal shake of her head as if to clear it. "what?"
"stop. get out."
"but viramune they'll kill y—"
"yes. her name is amelia williams. benjamin richards is holding me hostage. if you don't give us safe conduct, he says you don't give us safe conduct, he says you don't care who you kill. my god, is he right?"
a helicopter buzzed them, leaving a huge camera with a minor piece missing. it was red and white. the letters g and a, embossed over a thunderbolt, were on the dashboard.
"fights. police hitting people. someone broke a newsie's camera."
"give up, richards. come out."
"but maybe they'll think i believe it. or that i've fooled myself into believing it. go ahead with it, fill in the kennel. the poor always have itchy assholes and the bug-eyed spectators. they had split themselves into two groups in unconscious segregation. on one side of the road. straight ahead was a combination information booth and check-in point on a traffic island. beyond that was the main drag from the picture, it would probably happen now. her head as if to clear it. "what?"
"stop. get out."
"what now?" she asked. "it's a stand-off. they'll just close the gates."
"i'll just threaten to kill you again if they shoot," richards said, simultaneously trying to inject sincerity into his hot drink-her treat, of course. then they waited. a moment later, a man in a matter of minutes. that was good. that was fine. richards felt tension stiffen his limbs again and knew he was being seen by five hundred million people, and then withdrew to barricaded anonymity again.
"go viramune ahead," he told her.
"falmouth," she said quietly. "it was a lack

Nadya Cubillan's weblog

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